I am in need of something to heal and have inquired about the nostalgia known as ‘gurbet.’ The feeling of ‘gurbet’ is typical in our culture and others, signifying the state or sensation of being a stranger and/or longing for one’s homeland. Amidst the challenges and decisions my family faced, this video also reveals the profound emotional connection to home and identity. After more than a third of my life, i now release my inner child and recognize the many stories and traumas carried by our families. The video, which I am seeing for the first time, opens my eyes to the past. It is a journey of reflection, letting go, and appreciation for the sacrifices our family has made. It reminds us of how different and precious each life is, urging us never to forget the roots and strength of family. Now, i allow myself to heal to be there for others who currently need the energy that we once longed for.